Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How Trivial is Sports

I truly believe that sports is the universal language that can be used to break down all barriers and be used as a common ground between all people. People in general, as evidenced by the Olympic Games and the relationships formed between athletes from different countries is testimony to this.

However we would be remissed and doing the public a disservice if we fail to recognize certain atrocities happening right under our noses.

Today I was enlightened, humbled, ashamed and ticked off as I heard and saw first hand the plight of the helpless victims of the region of Darfur. As I think about these people and their Genocide I cannot help but wonder why, how and what we can do?

We were asked to pray, pray, pray,pray, and get the word out. I will also say that my view of sports as we play them in America has been altered. The importance of them, ever how beneficial they are to break down barriers, has become lets just say not as important. I can say that I will never listen to or hear a complaint quite the same again.

In a nut shell we have it made......Pro athletes idolized making millions.....college athletes with scholarships and free educations.....little leagues with the best equipment parents can buy.....churches with million dollar gyms....and on and on and on. Man What Tools We Have to Make a Difference. What tools we have to use sports to break barriers and share the love and compassion of Jesus Christ with a hurting world......What tools we have to share and do something about a situation that we have said many times in the past "Never Again" ie Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and now in the present Darfur.

The next time you are upset that your team lost or you have to practice at an inconvienent time, or the gym is too cold, or the referees cost you the game, or the balls are slick, or the field is to bumpy, or or or or......Hit your knees and ask forgiveness, then pray,pray,pray for those way less fortunate.

Check out http://www.silentimages.org/ for more information and lets see what we can do.

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