Monday, February 16, 2009

Change the World

Believe it or not, most people do not wake up in the morning thinking......."what can I do today to make a difference in the world". Why not? We are part of it. I would venture to say that if you asked 100 people if they were satisfied with where they are or with the state of the world or country today, the answer would be a resounding now what// accept it// change it// resolve that there is nothing you can do about it// Tricky questions with tricky answers. No you probably cannot do alot by yourself but add a bunch of little by yourselves and we may get somewhere a little bit at a time. What are you filling the little boxes with that make up your calendar, You know that daytimer thing that has your to dos and appointments and special days. They get filled with something. Make it count.
Here is a scary thought. If you live to be 70 you would have been alive 613,200 hours. If you give God one hour a week in prayer. You have given the Creator of the universe, the Maker of all that is, was and all that will be a whopping .6 of a percent of your calendar. Lets start with that little bit and see what happens as it grows. Whoa got heavy on a Monday but thats what hit today.

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