Thursday, February 26, 2009

What's this have to do with sports?

Really nothing. You could probably come up with something if you thought a while though.

This is just an observation of something I witnessed today. Here is the observation, I will give no thoughts although they are many.

It was a beautiful afternoon and I could not take it any longer, I had to get out. I went for a late lunch at a place where I could sit outside and enjoy God's beautiful day. As I sat there eating, reading, and enjoying, I noticed a mom (assumed) and her daughter(looked exactly alike) below in the courtyard. The daughter was about 4 or 5 yrs of age. The daughter as 4-5 yr. olds do was exploring and rambling around, climbing on the walls and putting things in the fountain. The mom was on her cell phone oblivious. This went on for about 10 minutes until the daughter finally came to the table and began rambling in her moms purse, and then she found it. An IPOD, which she, with the help of mom (never missing a beat on the phone) hooked up and the dauhgter began listening . After another 5-10 minutes..... mom finished her conversation (cell phone that is) and it was time to go.
So mom signals to daughter it is time to go. With the first step, mom begins texting... walking... texting.. walking get the drift. Off they go out of site. I thought to myself (oops said this just an observation sorry).
After about 10 more minutes I finished lunch and time to go. As I head back in..yep here come mom and daughter passing me on the way to the restaurant. Mom texting... walking... texting.. walking (get drift again). Mom in between texts... orders. I put my tray and such away and watch......Daughter (not with the help of mom who never missed a text or call) goes and gets a booster seat that she lugs to the table and sets it up herself as mom continues in the digital world.

It is now time for me to leave. As I pass, the little girl is sitting by herself as mom talks with a friend she has seen in line. Oh did I mention as mom was talking to the friend she continued to intermittently text and talk on the phone. I left extremely sad.
Just observations, I leave the thoughts up to you the only thing I ask is that the thoughts be prayerful not judgemental. I already fought that battle with myself, it is not a good feeling.

Do you wonder how God feels sometimes as we go about our "busy day" . Probably alot like the daughter who had a wonderful opportunity to spend a wonderful day with a person she loves alot and I am sure loves her, sorry couldn't help it, I just happened to observe it first hand.

Make It A Great Day

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