Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sift Through the Fluff

When you get through the fluff, what is the big question. Check out the film. This followed a reading I was doing and scary how it fit. Summary of the reading below........
All will stand before God...
God- "tell me about it"(sic)
Me- well had a pretty good life, raised two successful children and put them through college.
God-"thats great But what did you do with my Son Jesus?
Me- I went to church and served on numerous committees
God-"thats great But what didi you do with my Son Jesus?"
Me- I save a bunch of money and my 401 K let me retire early.
God- "Good Job...But what did you do with my Son Jesus?"
Me- Well I did coach "church sports and helped in the school and worked in the soup kitchen on Saturdays and donated blood, I built houses for Habitat for Humanity and sent shoes over seas......
God-"man you were busy, But what did you do with my Son Jesus"

Then I run across this film, hello, coincedence, I think not.

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